Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Three Benefits of Creating Ruby On Rails Web Applications

Ruby On Rails is an open source web application development framework developed in Ruby language. It is highly used to create dynamic web applications. Ruby is a powerful scripting language based on an open source platform making web development creative and functional. Some astonishing features of ROR development are speed, dynamism, readability and power. Its well structured components and tools are the prime reasons for hire ROR developers to use Rails framework for web development.

The top three advantages of using Ruby on Rails as a web development platform are as follows:

Quick development: This feature is the most appreciated and result oriented functionality of Rails. The principle of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) makes Ruby web application faster to develop. The information is stored at a single place and data can be gathered by specifying the class name only. As it is based on object oriented paradigm one doesn't need to write separate code for every component. ROR results in quick development of websites for the reasons of code re-usability, minor configurations and less complications.

Affordable web application framework: Being an open source web application framework, Ruby on Rails has very low licensing fees. Due to this it is cost effective framework and can be easily used by individuals as well as small and medium sized companies. Plus the development process is also very fast which minimizes the cost of hiring ROR developers. Thus, Rails proves to be an affordable framework for developing smart web applications.

Technically rich framework: The best part about Rails is that the framework is a bundle of various packages. ActiveRecord, Active Resource, ActionPack, ActionMailer and ActiveSupport are the standard packages of the Rails framework. Apart from the packages, Rails offer variety of plug-ins which makes development fast and effective.

These are the top most reasons for the popularity of Rails. Rails developers across the globe vouch for the efficacy of these features to create technically rich websites.

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